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Search - UK Parliament
Sanitary Act ( 1866) Amendment Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament. 30-06-70 Hansard.On Motion of Dr. BREWER, Bill to amend the twenty-sixth Section of "The Sanitary Act, 1806," relating to the removal of persons sick of Infectious Disorders, and without proper lodging, ordered to be brought in by Dr. BREWER and Mr. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH.
Sanitary Act 1866 (Hansard) -
List of mentions of the Sanitary Act 1866 in Parliament in the period 1803 to 2005. Search Help. HANSARD 1803–2005 → Acts (S) Sanitary Act 1866 [2 other Acts called Sanitary Act] Section Mentions House Date; CONTAGIOUS DISEASES.—QUESTION. 1: Commons: 1868-03-10: QUESTION. 1: Commons: 1868-03-26 ...
Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament
08-07-68 Hansard
On Motion of Mr. Secretary GATHORNE HARDY, Bill to amend "The Sanitary Act, 1866," ordered to be brought in by Mr. Secretary GATHORNE HARDY and Sir JAMES FERGUSSON. Bill presented , and read the first time.
Sanitary Act (Hansard)
[2 other Acts called Sanitary Act] . Section Mentions House Date [BILL 14.] SECOND READING. 1: Commons: 1867-03-27: QUESTION.
Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament
30-06-70 Hansard
On Motion of Dr. BREWER, Bill to amend the twenty-sixth Section of "The Sanitary Act, 1806," relating to the removal of persons sick of Infectious Disorders, and without proper lodging, ordered to be brought in by Dr. BREWER and Mr. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH.
SANITARY ACT (1866) AMENDMENT BILL. (Hansard, 8 July 1868)
sanitary act (1866) amendment bill. HC Deb 08 July 1868 vol 193 c864 864 § On Motion of Mr. Secretary GATHORNE HARDY, Bill to amend "The Sanitary Act, 1866 ," ordered to be brought in by Mr. Secretary GATHORNE HARDY and Sir JAMES FERGUSSON.
1842 Sanitary Report - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
1842 Sanitary Report. In July 1842, the most important 19th Century publication on social reform was released, titled, 'Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain'. This enquiry into sanitation was the brain-child of lawyer, Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890).
House Of Commons - Hansard - UK Parliament
28-07-69 Hansard
MINUTES.] — PUBLIC BILLS— Ordered— First Reading— Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment [244].
SANITARY ACT (1866) AMENDMENT BILL. (Hansard, 30 June 1870)
sanitary act (1866) amendment bill. HC Deb 30 June 1870 vol 202 c1283 1283 § On Motion of Dr. BREWER, Bill to amend the twenty-sixth Section of "The Sanitary Act, 1806 ," relating to the removal of persons sick of Infectious Disorders, and without proper lodging, ordered to be brought in by Dr. BREWER and Mr. WILLIAM HENRY SMITH.
Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament
28-07-69 Hansard
On Motion of Mr. Secretary BRUCE, Bill to facilitate the borrowing Money in pertain cases for the purpose of "The Sanitary Act, 1866, "and the Acts amending the same, ordered to be brought in by Mr. Secretary BRUCE. and Mr. KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN. Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 214.]
Nuisances - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
These gave local authorities powers to deal with nuisances. The term nuisances covered a wide range of issues. This included: • dwelling houses or buildings that were so filthy and unwholesome as to be injurious to health. • any foul or offensive ditch, gutter, privy, cesspool or ashpit. • the keeping of animals, including pigs and cows ...
List of mentions of the SANITARY ACT (1866) AMENDMENT BILL in Parliament in the period 1803 to 2005. Search Help. HANSARD 1803–2005 → Bills (S) SANITARY ACT (1866) AMENDMENT BILL. Section title Mentions House Date; SANITARY ACT (1866) AMENDMENT BILL. 1: Commons: 1868-07-08:
House Of Commons - Hansard - UK Parliament
08-07-68 Hansard
PUBLIC BILLS— Ordered—Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation *; Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment *; Tain Provisional Order Confirmation * First Reading —Liquidation * [220]; Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment * [222]; Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation * [223]; Tain Provisional Order Confirmation * [224]; Army Chaplains * [225].
The 1848 Public Health Act - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
The 1848 Public Health Act was the first step on the road to improved public health. One of the individuals who played an important role in its creation was Edwin Chadwick, a social reformer. Edwin Chadwick was one of the architects of the 1834 Poor Law, which was based on the principle that making the provision of poor relief so unpleasant ...
House of Commons - Hansard - UK Parliament
02-07-67 Hansard
Infection—Sanitary Act Of 1866—Case Of Emanuel Cook—Question (item number 2) (id 68aafd35-718d-49b6-b80e-94a054fe16df) Case Of Colour Sergeant Connell ... Companies Act (1862) Amendment Bill (item number 1) (id 5c5cc7e6-86da-4943-be9e-50be093c688a) Sea Fisheries ...
The second quotation is:— Again, the Sanitary Act of 1866 and earlier Acts bearing similar titles were replaced by Public Health Acts and both in the language of the Legislature and elsewhere public health 'has replaced 'sanitation' in this connection. And while the meaning of 'sanitary' has become narrower the scope of the sanitary inspector's duties has broadened and the word has thus ...
1946 National Health Service Act - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
1946 National Health Service Act. The National Health Service Act came into effect on 5 July 1948. The Act provided for the establishment of a comprehensive health service for England and Wales. There was separate legislation produced for Scotland and Northern Ireland. The first Minister of Health was Aneurin Bevan MP.
Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment (Ireland) Bill - UK Parliament
25-07-73 Hansard
On Motion of The Marquess of HARTINGTOS, Bill to amend "The Sanitary Act, 1866," so far as the same relates to Nuisance Authorities of Ports in Ireland, ordered to be brought in by The Marquess of HARTINCTON and Mr. Secretary BRUCE. Bill presented, and read the first time. [Bill 266.]
House of Commons - Hansard - UK Parliament
08-07-68 Hansard
Sanitary Act (1866) Amendment Bill (item number 1) (id 0653fc9e-00e9-42e3-ab82-c6eb49e50ddf) Tain Provisional Order Confirmation Bill (item number 1) (id f6662070-7e3f-423a-80da-c49b4a62c448) Downloads. Download content and documents relevant to the day's proceedings. PDF and HTML downloads ...
Gentleman to the 49th section of the Sanitary Act, 1866, by which it is provided that in case of neglect of duty by a nuisance authority, such as are the Commissioners of Sewers in the City of London, complaint may be made to the Secretary of State—that is, as the law now stands, to the Local Government Board—who are invested with the ...
About 5490 results (page 1 of 275)