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The 1848 Public Health Act - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
The 1848 Public Health Act was the first step on the road to improved public health. One of the individuals who played an important role in its creation was Edwin Chadwick, a social reformer. Edwin Chadwick was one of the architects of the 1834 Poor Law, which was based on the principle that making the provision of poor relief so unpleasant would put off all but the most desperate.
1848 Public Health Bill debates - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
1848 Public Health Bill debates. Throughout the nineteenth century the health and hygiene of the nation became a problem that could no longer be ignored. Social reformer Edwin Chadwick began to investigate the issue of sanitation in the 1830s, and in 1842 published a report which reviewed the living conditions of the working-class population.
PUBLIC HEALTH ACT OF 1848. (Hansard, 9 March 1853)
PUBLIC HEALTH ACT OF 1848. HC Deb 09 March 1853 vol 124 cc1349-57 1349. § SIR GEORGE BROOKE PECHELL. said, he rose to call the attention of the House to the operation of this Act. In 1847 and 1848 the Earl of Carlisle, then Lord Morpeth, devoted much time and attention to the framing of a measure calculated to give satisfaction—in a sanitary ...
Public Health Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament
07-08-48 Hansard
On Clause 8 (on the petition of not less than one-tenth of the inhabitants rated to the relief of the poor, the General Board of Health may, if and when they shall think fit, direct a superintending inspector to visit such city, town, borough, parish, or place, and to make public inquiry, and to examine witnesses, as to the sewerage, drainage, and supply of water, the state of the burial ...
Public Health Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament
30-06-48 Hansard
Of those who died prematurely between the ages of 20 and 60, the number in Westmoreland was 49, and in Lancashire 68. In the union of Ulverstone, in a population of 10,000, 13 persons died from epidemic diseases, while in a union of Liverpool, 75 died from the same causes. The deaths in the whole 10,000 were in Westmoreland, 206; in Lancashire 279.
PUBLIC HEALTH BILL. (Hansard, 11 May 1848) -
PUBLIC HEALTH BILL. (Hansard, 11 May 1848) Search Help. HANSARD 1803–2005 → 1840s → 1848 → May 1848 → 11 May 1848 → Commons Sitting PUBLIC HEALTH BILL. HC Deb 11 May 1848 vol 98 cc872-6 872 § On the question ... but 875 a public Act of Parliament will be provided to meet the case. § MR. HENLEY could only express his thankfulness ...
Search - UK Parliament
The 1848 Public Health Act was an important step in the improvement of the nation's health and helped increase government and social consciousness about hygiene and living conditions. Title 1848 Public Health Bill Debates Date 1848 Catalogue number House of Commons Hansard 1848 Public Health Bill debates.
Public Health Act Of 1848 - Hansard - UK Parliament
09-03-53 Hansard
In 1847 and 1848 the Earl of Carlisle, then Lord Morpeth, devoted much time and attention to the framing of a measure calculated to give satisfaction—in a sanitary point of view—to the several interests that might be affected by its operation. The objects contemplated by the Public Health Act, namely, improved water supply, drainage ...
PUBLIC HEALTH BILL. (Hansard, 7 August 1848)
PUBLIC HEALTH BILL. (Hansard, 7 August 1848) ... The proportion of twenty-three to 1,000 would afford security that the Act would not be put into operation 1175 except in cases where there was such a manifest amount of unhealthiness indicated by the high rate of mortality, that no persons possessed of the ordinary feelings of humanity would ...
House of Commons - Health - Second Report
00-01 Session Commons publication
THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 23. The influence of public health has waxed and waned over the past 150 years. ... the first of the Public Health Acts was introduced in 1848 to enable local authorities to take control of their environment. ... After the Second World War, the NHS Act 1946 set up three distinct controlling bodies for health care ...
Public Health Bill - Hansard - UK Parliament
18-05-48 Hansard
Hansard record of the item : 'Public Health Bill' on Thursday 18 May 1848. ... (Mr. Henley) on a former occasion, and having assimilated the machinery of the Bill to that of the Inclosure Act. The question with respect to the nature of this central body, whether it would be necessary to appoint a new board, or to extend to the operations of ...
Public Health Act 1848 (Hansard) -
List of mentions of the Public Health Act 1848 in Parliament in the period 1803 to 2005. Search Help. HANSARD 1803–2005 → Acts (P) Public Health Act 1848 [36 other Acts called Public Health Act] Section Mentions House Date; PUBLIC GENERAL ACTS. 1: Commons: 1850-08-15: METROPOLITAN BURIALS BILL. ...
PUBLIC HEALTH BILL (Hansard, 5 May 1848) -
HC Deb 05 May 1848 vol 98 cc710-43 710 § On the question that the Speaker do leave the Chair for the House to go into Committee on the Health of Towns Bill, § COLONEL SIBTHORP observed that he had always entertained a strong objection to that measure, however much he might respect the noble Lord (Viscount Morpeth) who introduced it. It was a Bill containing no less than 153 clauses, yet, in ...
Public Administration - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
The 1848 Public Health Act was the first step on the road to improved public health. 1837 Early By-Laws in Sunderland ind out about early attempts in Sunderland to improve public health in the town. In this section. Death, Dirt and Disease Public Administration ...
Public Health - Hansard - UK Parliament -
21-02-48 Hansard
This would be pointed out as a serious objection to the measure, and he trusted that the noble Lord would reconsider the matter. There was no doubt that the Bill would be productive of a large amount of public good, but it would require some amendments. Hansard record of the item : 'Public Health' on Monday 21 February 1848.
PUBLIC HEALTH BILL—ADJOURNED DEBATE. HC Deb 08 May 1848 vol 98 cc764-803 764. § Order of the Day for resuming the Adjourned Debate on the Public Health Bill read, § MR. SPOONER said, although the Government had made various alterations in the Bill, the principle of it remained the same. He objected most decidedly to the power which was ...
The Public Health Act (1848) Amendment Bill - UK Parliament
22-04-58 Hansard
The Public Health Act of 1848 constituted certain officers, of whom the head was the Chief Commissioner of Works, as a General Board of Health for five years. That General Board, exercising the powers conferred upon them by the Act, called into existence local boards, in various towns throughout the country, and then became to those boards ...
1842 Sanitary Report - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
1842 Sanitary Report. In July 1842, the most important 19th Century publication on social reform was released, titled, 'Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population of Great Britain'. This enquiry into sanitation was the brain-child of lawyer, Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890).
Public Health Act (1848) Amendment - Hansard - UK Parliament
14-07-57 Hansard
COWPER. , in moving for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Public Health Act, 1848, and to make further provisions for Town Improvement, said, that he should have brought the question before. the House at an earlier period of the Session, but it was thought desirable that it should follow another Bill which was now before Parliament, for ...
Key dates - UK Parliament
Living Heritage
1848 - Public Health Act Establishes a General Board of Health, marking the first acceptance by government of responsibility for the health of the population . 1872 - Public Health Act Appointment of medical officers is made compulsory in urban areas . 1875 - Public Health Act Establishes a coherent administrative machinery to deal locally with ...
About 159000 results (page 1 of 7950)